Frequently asked questions

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Yes! Just sign up for a 14-day free trial to see if &frankly is right for you. 

We have three different plans, each one starts with a monthly or annual minimum and then has a price per user rate. Our different plans have different features to scale with your business needs. See our full pricing page here.

Our Team plan has a monthly payment schedule and automatically renews. Our Workplace and Enterprise plans are typically sold on an annual basis. Read more about our plans here.

We pride ourselves on a quick and easy onboarding process. If you are a small team, you can get started immediately. If you have a more complex organization or larger team, our skilled customer success team will help you from start to finish. 

We are invested in the success of our customers and support is something we prioritize. Rest assured that no matter which plan you choose, support is quickly and easily accessible. In our Workplace and Enterprise plans we include access to first-line support for urgent and business critical help.

Of course. You can read all about how we work with GDPR here

The anonymity of our users is something we take very seriously. We have developed an extensive Integrity Framework to make sure every individual always feels safe sharing their honest opinion through &frankly. 

We take responsibility for data processing, security, and privacy of our users very seriously. In addition to safeguarding individual user privacy as seen above, our systems and policies are based on the ISO27001 standard. We are fully compliant with the latest EU legislation including GDPR and the Swedish Data Protection legislature. For more details please contact us.

We are required by law to erase all company and user data after 30 days of inactivity. As a result, we strongly recommend maintaining monthly subscriptions for the full length of time you intend to be a customer.

Yes, we have many customers using &frankly in their own way. Read their stories here. 

&frankly is built based on insights from leading researchers in the area of employee engagement. You can read more about this here. 

Yes, our customer success team is with you every step of the way. In our Workplace and Enterprise plans, you will receive extended support. We also have a network of HR partners that are ready to advise should you have a specific request. See a full list of them here. 

In our Team plan we provide you an end-to-end digital onboarding as well implementation materials and strategies you can leverage to get your team or organization up to speed. For Workplace and Enterprise plans, we get more hands-on and will schedule time to tailor a best-in-class onboarding to your specific needs.